This section of the documentation explains processes within the ONE Game Hosting service.
A process is a certain aspect of the Platform that you may have to go through and complete before you can use the Platform, such as setting up your applications and application builds. Or setting up your deployment environment so that our system knows how to deploy your game servers.
Here are all the documented processes where each has a short explanation and a link to the full process documentation.
Application Management
Application Management is the process of defining and maintaining the applications you want to deploy with the ONE Game Hosting service.
Application Build Provisioning
The purpose of the ONE Game Hosting platform is to deploy your applications. Providing your build to the platform therefore is a crucial process.
Application Build Management
Application Build Management is the process of creating and maintaining software builds for your Application. An ApplicationBuild defines the software that will be deployed by our system. It can be a game server or a utility (side car).
Deployment Configuration
Deployment configuration is the process of setting up how you want your applications to be deployed and where and when.
Dependency Installation
Dependency Installation is the process of installing software requirements (dependencies) for your applications.
Deployment Process
This chapter describes the process of deploying an ApplicationInstance.
Automatic Deployment
Opposite the manual deployment process is the automatic deployment process whereby our platform takes care of deploying game servers and utilities (side cars) for you. This is done according to the Deployment Configuration you have setup for a Fleet.
Automatic Scaling
This chapter explains the logic behind our automatic scaling process.
Patching Process
A patching process is the process of updating game servers / utilities to a new version of the software. There are multiple ways in which this can be done.
Last updated