Game Template
Once you have defined your application and created your application build from the previous step, you can now create your templates. Follow the instructions below.
Game template overview
A Game template is used by a fleet and defines which game application builds will be deployed for that Fleet. You can create as many Game templates as you like on the platform. However, a Fleet can only point to one Game template at a time. A Game template can be shared across multiple fleets though.
Create your game template
When you create a game deployment template, it will indicate which game server application builds you would like to have deployed within a fleet.
Go to Game Hosting > Templates.
Select the Game tab.
Click Create template.
On the Create Game Template window, enter the Game Template Name.
Select your Application Build.
Click Create.
Utility template overview
The UtilityDeploymentTemplate indicates which utility / utilities you want to deploy onto each host (Bare metal or Virtual machine). A utility, also known as a sidecar, is always deployed once per host. You can indicate whether a utility should be deployed only on Bare metal servers or Virtual machines, or both.
Utilities / sidecars must be regular applications that run in the foreground. It is generally not a good idea to start utilities as a service.
Create your utility template
Go to Hosting > Templates.
Select the Utility tab.
Click Create template.
Enter your Template name.
Select your Application Build from the drop down list.
Select what machines you want to Deploy on from the drop down list.
Click Create.
Dependency template overview
The Dependency template enables you to point to scripts (ApplicationBuilds) that install dependencies onto a host that are required by your Applications to run properly. Besides an installer script, you must also define an uninstaller script to remove the dependencies and to allow clean up of a host after removing all applications running on it.
Create your dependency template
Go to Game Hosting > Templates.
Select the Dependency tab.
Click Create template.
Enter your Template name.
Select your Dependency Installer Build from the drop down list.
Select your Dependency Uninstaller Build from the drop down list.
Click Create.
Create your Host Capacity template
When you create your own host capacity template, you define how many game instances you want deployed on any specified Bare metal and/or Virtual machine instance types.
Go to Game Hosting > Templates.
Select the Host Capacity tab.
Click Create template.
Enter a Template name.
Click Add host capacity.
Select a Provider from the drop down list.
Select your Instance Type from the drop down list. Please note that depending on your Cloud provider choice, your instance type selections will differ.
Click Save.
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