Utility patching
The ONE Game Hosting platform now has a utility patching mechanism that makes it easy for you to update builds for already running application instances. This document explains the following:
Before you begin: Prerequisites for the utility patch
Create a utility patch job
Before you begin
You must have the following elements to patch a utility:
A VM or a BM with utilities included.
A new application build for your utility.
Once you have met the prerequisites above, you can create a patch job.
Create a utility patch job
At the moment, you cannot use the front end to create the patch job for utilities, however the API will accept it. See the Create a patch job API documentation for reference.
Create a utility patch job.
Wait for the patch job to commence.
Your target fleet will be put into manual operational status. You cannot change this while the patch is running. The system will not touch your fleet at this point. This means the system will not add or remove new application instances, VMs, or BMs.
Wait for the patch job to complete.
Once complete, review the patching changes. You can review through the sent emails or manually checking your monitoring tools to ensure that your patch has successfully completed the changes based on your requirements.
After a successful review, place the fleet back in your desired operational status (Auto deployment or Auto scaling).
The patch job will download the new application build on the machine. It will slowly stop the existing application instances, replace the file, and start them again. The Game/Utility deployment template's builds will be updated to the new build as soon as the patch job completes. When you reactivate the fleet, new application instances will now use the new application build.
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