Rolling Deployment
Updating your game servers with a rolling update means that you update game servers as soon as they exit naturally or when they are empty and unallocated. This of course only works for game types that have matches that end. Some games do not have the concept of finite matches but instead run forever. That type of game might not be suited for this kind of update method.
No maintenance window is required. What is required is that your back end can handle multiple game server versions alongside each other. Additionally your clients should be able to connect to either version. As you can tell, you should only perform rolling updates if the new version is compatible with the old one.
After a while most game servers will be updated. Any remainders can be Forcibly Updated.
This deployment method has not yet been implemented.
No maintenance window is required
No extra server resources are required. The total amount of game servers will remain equal during a rolling update
Completely transparent to your clients
No way to test your newly deployed game server versions. As such, testing must be done beforehand!
Performing a Rolling Deployment via the UI
This deployment method is not yet available. This documentation will be updated as soon as it is available.
Performing a Rolling Deployment via the API
This deployment method is not yet available. This documentation will be updated as soon as it is available.
Performing a Rolling Deployment manually
You can perform all of the above manually if you wish, bypassing our automated systems. For more details on how to do this, please see the Rolling Deployment - Manually chapter. Note that you will not receive any live-reporting emails then.
Last updated