Get started
It's very easy to use our Game hosting dashboard. The following sections describes how to quickly get your game deployed. If you prefer setting up your game hosting through API, please see our Quick start guide.
Step 1: Request your CDN account and register your build origin
The first thing you will need to do is to request a CDN (Content Delivery Network) account to register your build origin. After you receive your credentials, you will be able to upload your build archive. For more information about CDN, see our document How does the Content Delivery Network work?
Step 2: Define your application and create your application build
After you have set up your CDN and uploaded your build archive, you can now create your build by defining your application. This guide will assist you in setting up your Application details, settings, and properties. For more information, see Define your application and create your application build.
Step 3: Create your game, utility, dependency, or capacity templates
In this step, you learn how you can create your game, utility, dependency, or capacity templates.
Create a game template: This will help you define which game application builds will be deployed for that fleet.
Create a utility template: This template will help you to specify which utility / utilities you want to deploy onto each host (Bare Metal or Virtal Machine).
Create a dependency template: This template is used by a fleet and defines which dependency installer and uninstaller application builds will be deployed for that fleet.
Create a capacity template: This template you can define how many game instances you want deployed on any specified BM instance types and / or VM instance types.
Step 4: Create your game deployment environment, profile, and fleets
In this step, you learn how to configure your infrastructure to deploy your game. You will be able to configure your fleets of servers, defining your deployment profiles to specify how you want your game to be distributed. For more information, see Game deployment environment, profile, and fleets introduction.
Last updated