CDN actions: How to purge
Below you can read how to remove cached content from the CDN's edge servers. You can either choose to remove cached content though the CDN front end, or using the CDN API.
Purge using the CDN front end
Log into the CDN control panel: Open a web browser and navigate to the control panel URL. Enter your login credentials to access the control panel dashboard.
Access Cache Management: Once you have logged in, select the Cache tab.
Specify content to purge: In the Purge selected URLs field, enter the URLs you want to purge. Be sure to add each URL in a new line. Alternatively you can click Start purging all to purge all of your cache.
Confirm and initiate purge: Review your list of files/URLs you entered to confirm what you want to purge. Click Start purging to start the process.
Action verification: Once the purging is complete, you can verify its success by accessing the purged files/URLs. These files/URLs should now be fetched from the origin server, which indicates the purging was successful.
Purge using the CDN API
Open API: Obtain API credentials (such as API keys or tokens). These credentials will authenticate your API requests.
Identify content to purge: Determine the content that you want to purge. This could be a specific URL, a group of URLs, a file path, or a wildcard pattern that matches the content that you want to remove.
Construct the API request: Create an HTTP request to the appropriate API endpoint.
Send an API request: Use the HTTP method specified in the CDN's API Swagger documentation. Include the necessary headers, API credentials, and contact identifiers in the request payload.
Process the API response: The API call will return a response indicating the status of your request. Check the response for success or error messages.
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